Belgian Journal of Paediatrics
Visuoperceptual profiling and game-based rehabilitation in children with cerebral visual impairment




Cerebral visual impairment
Visuoperceptual profile
Game-based rehabilitation
Eye tracking


How to Cite

Ben Itzhak, N., Ortibus, E., & Wagemans, J. (2023). Visuoperceptual profiling and game-based rehabilitation in children with cerebral visual impairment: PhD thesis presented on 20/12/2021 at KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. Belgian Journal of Paediatrics, 24(3), 233–236. Retrieved from (Original work published December 12, 2022)


Cerebral visual impairment (CVI) is a brain-based visual disorder. Children with CVI experience heterogeneous impairments both in their basic visual orienting behaviours and in their visual perception. For instance, children show eye movement difficulties, are unable to recognize objects, or cannot find their favourite toy in a cluttered toy box. CVI lowers quality of life and poses a great economic burden, but despite these concerns, no standard treatment for CVI exists. In this PhD, we developed a quantification schema of visual orienting functions and visual perception, enabling the development of an individualized and adaptive game-based rehabilitation programme for CVI.